Red Light District in Amsterdam


Moulin Rouge AmsterdamFor Red Light District videos visit Please also read further information on how to behave in the red light district.

From brothels to sex shops to museums, the Red Light District leaves nothing to the imagination. It is very likely that you will have heard about this neighbourhood and to be frank, everything you will have heard is probably true , but to really put rumours to rest, you have got to check it out for yourself. The Rossebuurt, as the locals know it, is unlike any other place. Guaranteed. Certainly, the Red Light District that everyone knows about is the one where women, of all nationalities, parade their wares in red-fringed window parlours many ready to offer more than a school boy peep-show in a private cabin. Another familiar image of the Red Light District is of packs of men, young and old , couples holding hands and pointing in shock of it all, giggling groups of women celebrating a hen night , and busloads of Japanese tourists toting cameras (except not in the direction of the female entertainers! Strictly banned!). This is proof enough that the RLD deserves a visit, if not a little look in.

Perhaps what few really notice is that the Rossebuurt (Dutch for ‘pink’ or ‘red’ neighbourhood) is in fact one of the oldest and most beautiful parts of the city with its long winding narrow, cobbled streets and utterly charming 14 th century architecture, Red Light District Amsterdamsuch as the gothic Oudekerk, or Old Church. The Red Light District simply oozes charm and one cannot help but admire the old buildings that lean at odd-angles, and the tree-enshrouded canals. Music, especially during the summer season, invites you to linger just that little bit longer while the arrival of new classier eateries and great authentic restaurants such as Café Pacifico, one of Europe 's first Mexican restaurants, make it so appealing. Recently resurfaced streets, restored façades and trendier clientele to the area are now transforming what was once a dark and seedy part of town.

Amsterdam prides itself, and rightly so, on its wholly liberal and tolerant attitude, embracing the fact that people may be into prostitution, soft drugs and pornography-and this is only human. So instead of criminalizing everything, this very upfront city wears its heart on its sleeve-what you see is generally what you get. Enjoy the honesty of it all, as you won’t find it anywhere else. So how do you get to it? It depends which RLD you are looking for as t here are in fact three Red Light Districts in Amsterdam: the main area is in the Walletjes area (between Centraal Station and Nieuwenmarkt), and the other two, in Singel (between Raadhuistraat and Centraal Station) and de Pijp (behind the Rijksmuseum).



ina said...

hihihi bahasa Londho...

Taufik said...

@ina:malu mode on

Black said...

Hwehehe, aku juga gak paham bahasa londHo!

Taufik said...

@black:masih malu ma km.wkwkwk

Bayu Lebond said...

yah...walau gw gak ngarti artinya...tapi kayaknya oke juga...

ƒitri LaskarHijab said...

jadi merasa di Amsterdam neh...
hehehehe :D
nice posting ka...
jangan lupa mampir gubuk piet iah

Rock said...

Walah... lha koq bahasanya kayak gini ya... hahaha...

Taufik said...

@Bayu Lebond:maksudnya klu kta jln2 ksitu ya? ha.x3
@Piet Puu:mkasih..ia bis nih mw mampir kok
@Rock:tuntutan $$...ha ha ha

Johnson Manurung said...

Nice posting, thank you for sharing, regards


ok sob exchange link silahkan dipasang link ku

Arif said...

ijin baca dulu gan

gambutku said... english.:D

secangkir teh dan sekerat roti said...

kapan bisa main ke londo...? hehhe

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